Inici » Revitalize your meals with fresh pico de gallo

Revitalize your meals with fresh pico de gallo

un bol de tomàquets picats amb julivert al fons i un bol de tomàquets picats en primer pla, Aquirax Uno, fotografia d'aliments professional, una foto d'estoc, raionisme

The freshness of the rooster beak

Galo’s pico de gallo is an essential hylo of the Mexican gastronia, known by its refreshing combination of natural ingredients. This fresh sauce, mainly composed of tomatoes, onion, cordre, and lemon juice, offers a real contrast to any dish. Besides its exakisity, is low in calories and rich in rusty, which makes the ideal for those healthy and debugging options.

innovative Recipes with gallo pic.

1. Energy powers of quino

Try this salad as light and naked lunch.

Ingredients need:

    [‘1 tassa de quinoa’, ‘2 cups of aigua’, ‘1 tassa de pico de gallo’, ‘1 cogombre carmat a daus’, ‘1 alvocat in wheels’, ‘Full of espinac fresc’, ‘Salt i pebre al gust’, ‘A rajolí of oli of oliva yard extra’]


    [“I’ll sew it in water until it’s tender, about 15 minutes.”, ‘Let me cool it up and, in a large bowl, combine the coo in a hurry with the gallo pic, cucumber, and the blades of spine.’, ‘Add salt, pepper, and olive oil spray to taste.’, ‘Decor with slices of avocat before serving.’]

This salad isn’t just delicious, but it also helps to poison because of its high amount of fibers and anti-droxants.

2. Treves with shrimp

To discover a slight alternative with these storage tacs, an uncarbohyded version of traditional trouts.


    [’12 direct sheets (roama or iceberg)’, ‘300 Gulled shrimp’, ‘1 tassa de pico de gallo’, ‘1 alvot en daus’, ‘1 lemon juice’, ‘Unes dropes de salsa picant (optional)’, ‘Go out to the gust.’]


    [“Renta and dry the sheets of law, which will be used as a ‘truits’.”, ‘Place shrimp inside every sheet of privacy.’, ‘Add a spoon from gallo pic. on shrimp.’, ‘Wrong cubes and lemon juice rajolice.’, ‘If you like the hammer, add some hot sauce drops.’]

These tacs are perfect for a debuging meal, and lemon helps to eliminate toxins, while the gallo peak provides a fresh, viminating taste, ideal for the summer days.

The power of the rooster beak

I’m bringing the fox into your recipes not just taste, but also bringing in important nutrient benefits, and that sauce is a great ally for those who seek to eat more healthy without giving up the gastronmic pleasure.

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