Inici » The Valencian Solidarity Fund approves projects in Ecuador and Bolivia

The Valencian Solidarity Fund approves projects in Ecuador and Bolivia

un grup d'homes asseguts a una taula amb papers i bolígrafs al davant i una bandera al fons, nom de Carlos Trillo, mitjans oficials, renderització digital, escola del Danubi

A Key Assembly for the Development of the Entity

The Valencian Fund for Solidarity has held its annual Ordinary General Assembly of partner local entities. This is a key appointment for the development of the entity, and this year also to continue reaffirming the commitment of the councils and communities to international municipal cooperation and education for human development, fair and sustainable.

New Memberships and Cancellations

Regarding the new registrations as members of the Fund, the 6 accessions of the first semester of 2024 of the new member municipalities were ratified: Benicolet, Guadassèquies, Murla, Real de Gandia, Sempere and Torrella. In terms of layoffs, the departures of Algemesí, La Pobla de Vallbona and Valencia were validated.

Growth and International Impact

In short, the members of the organization have increased to 137 town councils and 9 common communities, being a total of 146 partner local entities, increased in members and consolidating the growth trend in the 3 provinces and in different counties of the Valencian Community .

Executed and Future Projects

In terms of projects executed in 2023, the areas of international cooperation in municipal development have had a strong impact, with their aspects of direct cooperation, technical cooperation and humanitarian and emergency action, and education for development and citizenship global In total, a total of 6 projects have been executed in Bolivia and Ecuador, where work has been done on socio-economic development, empowerment of entrepreneurship, promotion of institutional and business equality and improvement of accessibility for people with functional diversity.

As for 2024, a total of 9 new projects will be launched, of which 5 are international municipal development cooperation and another 4 are education for development and global citizenship. With these projects, the aim is to continue contributing to global justice from the local level, through human, fair and sustainable development.

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