Marta Lois leaves the spokesperson to be a candidate in Galicia
The Sumar al Congress coalition will change its spokesperson after next Tuesday’s Plenum. Marta Lois, who held this position since the formation of the parliamentary group, will devote herself fully to her candidacy for the 2018 Galician elections. His replacement will be the leader of Más País, Íñigo Errejón, who already has experience as a spokesman in the era of Podemos.
Errejón, a political and communicative referent
Errejón’s name has been the most mentioned by coalition sources as the ideal candidate to take over as Sumar’s spokeswoman. The deputy has a great weight in the project of Yolanda Díaz, of whom he is one of the main collaborators. In addition, he has participated in Galician pre-campaign events and coordinates Sumar’s political presentation, which will be presented at the founding assembly on March 23.
Errejón also leads the integration process of Más País in Sumar, which has already taken effect in Andalusia and Castilla y León, and which only excludes Más Madrid. His party provides four of the 35 deputies that Sumar has in Congress, and has a more transversal and pragmatic vision than that of Podemos.
Other profiles that sounded for the spokeswoman
Among the other names that were contested for Sumar’s spokesperson was the deputy spokesperson and leader of En Comú Podem, Aina Vidal, who has a feminist profile and Díaz’s confidence. However, his candidacy lost strength in recent days. IU parliamentary spokesman Enrique Santiago was also considered, but was rejected by most sectors of the coalition. In any case, it is expected that IU will have more prominence in Congress and that it will have a kind of alternative spokesperson.
Lois will say her farewell at Tuesday’s Plenary
Marta Lois will make her last speech as spokesperson for Sumar at Tuesday’s Plenary Session, where the Amnesty Law proposal will be debated. Afterwards, she will resign as a member of parliament to focus on her candidacy for the presidency of the Xunta de Galicia. His replacement in Congress will be the economist Manuel Lago, who went as Sumar’s number two for A Coruña and who is an adviser to the second vice-president, Yolanda Díaz, at the Ministry of Labor.
So, Sumar will have a new spokesperson in Congress, who will be responsible for representing the voice of the multinational group that brings together different left-wing parties. This is one of the powers that Sumar has according to the coalition agreement it signed with its partner formations.