Inici » The warning signs you should look out for before starting a relationship with a Virgo

The warning signs you should look out for before starting a relationship with a Virgo

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Their rationality and perfectionism are not the only characteristics that define them.

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To begin with, we must say that Virgos are people born between August 23 and September 22, under the earth sign and ruled by the planet Mercury. If you meet someone with this horoscope, you will surely recognize certain traits in them. Virgos are usually logical beings, they prefer calm plans and enjoy going unnoticed, since they do not like to attract too much attention. Upon meeting them, you may find them quiet and introverted, but once they gain confidence, they let loose easily. However, you will never see them overdo it, as they have a strong sense of responsibility and like to have everything under control. Additionally, they hate wasting time, so it is important not to be late for a date with a Virgo, as they tend to look for flaws in everything and are easily disappointed.

Another aspect to take into account is the way they act during arguments, as they can be quite intense if something bothers them. However, if they don’t trust you enough, they are likely to ignore you and remove you from their schedule. However, this does not happen with their close circle, since they will always try to prove that they are right. They are perfectionists and have a hard time recognizing their mistakes. They have a high level of demand in everything around them and with themselves.

What are Virgos like in a relationship?

Despite the warning signs mentioned above, it’s not all red flags. When a Virgo falls in love, get ready to live a story worthy of a romantic movie. This sign is usually direct and will only act if he is really interested in you. Don’t expect grand declarations of love or cheesy words, as they prefer to demonstrate their love through actions. The good thing is that they are sincere and find it difficult to hide their feelings for a long time. However, you need to be careful as they can be controlling. It’s important to set boundaries from the beginning.


In short, before starting a relationship with a Virgo, you should take into account their characteristics, such as their rationality, perfectionism, and tendency to look for faults. However, you must also consider their sincerity, loyalty, and ability to love deeply. Setting clear boundaries from the beginning can help maintain a healthy and balanced relationship with a Virgo.

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