Inici » Galicia: the PP is left without a majority and the BNG overtakes the PSOE, according to the CIS

Galicia: the PP is left without a majority and the BNG overtakes the PSOE, according to the CIS

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The Center for Sociological Research (CIS) published this Thursday a poll on the Galician elections that will take place on February 18. The results show that the Popular Party could lose the absolute majority it has had for years and that the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) could overtake the Galician Socialist Party (PSdeG) as the second force.

The PP is on the verge of an absolute majority

According to the CIS, the PP would obtain between 36 and 38 deputies (43.2% of the votes), a number that would leave it close to an absolute majority, set at 38 seats. This would mean a loss of between 4 and 6 deputies compared to the 42 it currently has. The CIS also indicates that Vox would not succeed in entering the Galician Parliament, with only 0.4% of the votes.

BNG grows and becomes the main alternative

The BNG, led by Ana Pontón, would be the big surprise of the elections, according to the CIS. The nationalist formation would get between 20 and 23 deputies (29.3% of the votes), a considerable increase compared to the 19 it has now. In addition, the BNG would surpass the PSdeG, which would be in third place with between 15 and 17 seats (20.4% of the votes), although it would also improve on the 14 it currently has.

Sumar and Democracia Ourensana, on a tightrope

The other two formations that could obtain representation in the Galician Parliament are Sumar, the coalition headed by Yolanda Díaz, and Democracia Ourensana, the party of Armando Ojea. The CIS gives between 0 and 2 deputies to Sumar and between 0 and 1 to Democracia Ourensana. On the other hand, Podemos, which ran alone, would be left out, with 0.4% of the votes, just like Vox.

The undecideds and the leaders, key to the final result

The CIS survey also reveals that there is a high percentage of undecideds who could tip the balance. 13.4% of respondents do not yet know who they will vote for on February 18 and 20.2% will decide in the last week of the campaign. In addition, 5.1% will do so on the same election day. As for the leaders, the best rated is the BNG candidate, Ana Pontón, with a 5.77 out of 10. She is followed by the popular Alfonso Rueda, with a 5.39. The socialist José Ramón Gómez Besteiro gets a 4.84; that of Sumar, Marta Lois, a 4.09; that of Podemos, Isabel Faraldo, a 3.37; that of Democracia Ourensana, Armando Ojea, a 3.17 and that of Vox, Álvaro Díaz-Mella, a 2.7.

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