Inici » How to define the space for the terraces of the bars and restaurants

How to define the space for the terraces of the bars and restaurants

una mujer sentada al costado de una carretera junto a un poste con un cartel que dice alto, Évariste Vital Luminais, anamórfico, una fotografía de archivo, escuela de Barbizon

The City Council begins work to delimit the public space

As of today, City Council workers are making the marks to indicate the space that corresponds to businesses that have terraces on the public road. This measure affects both bars and restaurants as well as businesses and shops that display their products on the street.

Work has begun in the area of ​​the square and the center of Sóller, where there are many establishments that have opened for the new season. Afterwards, the marks will be made in the Port and in the other streets where there are the 260 businesses that are registered in the City Council’s census.

The aim is to ensure order and compliance with the ordinance

With this action, the City Council wants to ensure that businesses respect the space they have been allocated and that they pay the corresponding taxes. In addition, it also wants to facilitate the work of the police, who have a copy of the plan with the space of each business.

This was explained by the Councilor for Government, Carlos Darder, who recalled that the ordinance approved by the Consistory obliges businesses and shops to have a plan with the space they occupy on the public road.

The delimitation of the public space will last several weeks

The work to delimit the public space will be done in the coming weeks, until all the businesses that have registered their activity are marked. In this way, it is intended to order and regulate the use of public space by restaurants and shops.

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