Inici » Partial recovery of the reservoirs of the Ter-Llobregat system after the last rains

Partial recovery of the reservoirs of the Ter-Llobregat system after the last rains


Partial recovery of reservoirs

The recent rains have caused a slight recovery of the reservoirs of the Ter-Llobregat system, leaving for the first time in two months a figure of around 100 hm³, standing above the state of emergency threshold of 16% of the reserves in the internal basins. This partial recovery is a direct result of recent rainfall, which has had a positive impact on the region’s water reserves.

Government statements

The spokeswoman for the Government, Patrícia Plaja, has stressed the importance of analyzing the context before considering lifting the state of emergency due to drought. According to Plaja, exceeding 16% of the reservoir volume, as has happened in the Ter-Llobregat system, does not automatically imply lifting the emergency phase. This highlights the need to take other factors into account before making relevant decisions about water management in the region.

Considerations about the context

Plaja has highlighted the importance of considering the time and context in which this partial recovery of the reservoirs takes place. He pointed out that reserves at 16.5% at the gates of a summer with little rain forecast present a different picture than reserves at the same level in September, when we enter a historically wet season. This highlights the complexity of water management and the need to make decisions based on the specific context of each situation.

Future perspective

Despite the partial recovery, the Government has assured that no relaxation of the measures is planned at this time. However, it has been guaranteed that where possible the situation will be relaxed, as there is no interest in extending the restrictions unnecessarily. Likewise, it is hoped that the weather conditions will continue to be favorable and that the emergency can be exited as soon as possible.

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