Inici » Judicial decision on a rape crime in Reus

Judicial decision on a rape crime in Reus

El jurado popular ha declarado por unanimidad culpables a los dos acusados ​​de asesinar a un hombre en Reus la noche del 29 de septiembre de 2023, tras agredirlo a patadas. El jurado, sin embargo, ha descartado la intencionalidad. Los hechos se produjeron tras una discusión en la plaza del Mercadal. La víctima fue trasladada posteriormente al hospital donde falleció el 1 de octubre por un shock hemorrágico provocado por un politraumatismo. La Fiscalía ha elevado la petición de años a 15 de prisión para uno(8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

The verdict of the popular jury

A popular jury has reached a unanimous verdict, declaring guilty two individuals involved in the murder of a man in Reus, which occurred on the night of September 29, 2023. Despite their guilt, the jury has determined that there was no intent in the assault.

Circumstances of the assault

The incident took place in Plaça del Mercadal, where an argument escalated into physical violence. The victim, a 47-year-old man, was attacked with kicks, falling to the ground, a situation that proved fatal after he was taken to hospital.

Details about the death

After the assault, the man was admitted to Sant Joan Hospital with multiple injuries, including bruises to his torso and head. He died on October 1st from hemorrhagic shock related to his injuries, as indicated in the prosecutor’s report.

The role of the prosecution

In light of the facts, the prosecution has decided to increase the sentence requests for the defendants. One of the defendants faces a possible sentence of 15 years in prison, while the other, with a 70% disability, could receive 8 years in prison and 7 years in detention.

Elements of proof

Evidence collected includes security camera footage corroborating the defendants’ presence at the scene. A key witness identified one of the attackers during the fight, adding further weight to the case.

Reaction of the prosecution

The private prosecution has maintained a firm stance, requesting that the events be classified as murder with treason, demanding sentences of up to 16 years in prison for one of those involved.

Confessions and mitigating factors

One of the defendants, who has admitted his participation in the fight, has expressed his forgiveness to the victim’s family. However, the prosecution has refused to consider his confession as a mitigating factor, arguing that it came too late.

Current situation of the accused

One of the defendants has been detained since 2023. After the jury’s verdict, both the prosecution and the prosecution have requested the provisional detention of the other defendant, who was currently on provisional release.

Social impact and reflections

This case highlights the violence that can arise from everyday situations, as well as the importance of the judicial system in addressing these crimes with rigor and accountability. Authorities will continue to be vigilant to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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