Inici » Promoting Awareness about School Bullying in La Seu d’Urgell

Promoting Awareness about School Bullying in La Seu d’Urgell

El próximo mes de febrero se pondrá en marcha de nuevo la actividad ‘Si no lo vives, no lo sientes’, que tiene como objetivo prevenir el acoso escolar en los centros educativos de La Seu d’Urgell. En concreto, participarán un total de 209 alumnos de 1º y 3º de ESO del instituto La Valira y del colegio La Salle. En estas sesiones inmersivas, que se centran en el contexto tanto del acoso escolar como del ciberacoso en los entornos educativos, participarán los días 11 y 12 de febrero los alumnos del instituto. (8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

A new beginning for bullying prevention

Next month, February, the initiative ‘If you don’t experience it, you won’t feel it’ will be activated again in La Seu d’Urgell, with the aim of combating bullying in educational centres. This programme will include the participation of 209 first and third year ESO students from the La Valira high school and the La Salle school.

Dates clau per a les sessions immersives

The sessions will be scheduled for February 11 and 12 for La Valira students, while La Salle students will take part in the activity on February 20 and 21. This educational intervention aims to address the issues of bullying and cyberbullying in a school environment.

A successful precedent in awareness-raising

Last December, a total of 363 sixth grade primary and second grade secondary school students from the Shared Education Unit (UEC) already participated in this initiative. Thus, with the new sessions, it is expected that 572 students from different educational levels will have been involved in this important activity.

Session structure: a transformative experience

Each group-class will experience two hours of immersive activity focused on the issue of bullying. These sessions are designed to highlight the seriousness of behaviors that are often considered innocent, such as name-calling or sexist comments, and which can have devastating consequences.

The role of the participants

Students will experience different roles during the activities: victim, aggressor and observer. This dynamic seeks to foster empathy and understanding of the emotional impact that the actions of others can have.

A community commitment against harassment

This action is part of the Regional Plan against Bullying in School Age, which promotes collaboration between different community agents for its implementation. Through a circuit of action and various awareness-raising actions, the aim is to create a safer and more respectful educational environment.

Looking to the future

With initiatives like ‘If you don’t experience it, you don’t feel it’, the aim is not only to address incidents of bullying, but also to prevent them, creating a school culture that values ​​respect and inclusion. The active participation of students is essential to building a future without violence or discrimination.

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