Inici » Santa Margarida de Montbui invests in the future with a new budget

Santa Margarida de Montbui invests in the future with a new budget

El Ayuntamiento de Santa Margarida de Montbui aprobó en el último pleno extraordinario un presupuesto de 9,9 millones de euros. También se aprobaron inicialmente los presupuestos de los organismos dependientes: 622.000 euros para el Patronato Municipal de Hogares Infantiles, 931.560 euros para la sociedad municipal Montbui Activa SL y un presupuesto de 30.452 euros para el Consorcio la Tossa de Montbui. El presupuesto fue aprobado por mayoría absoluta con los votos favorables de los concejales que integran el equ(8k, best quality, masterpiece, highly detailed:1.1)

Approval of an ambitious budget

In the recent extraordinary session, the Santa Margarida de Montbui City Council gave the green light to a budget of 9.9 million euros. This decision marks an important step for local development, with a special focus on improving services and sustainability.

Financing of municipal services

In addition to the general budget, contributions to various dependent entities were approved, such as the 622,000 euros allocated to the Municipal Children’s Homes Board and the 931,560 euros for Montbui Activa SL. An amount of 30,452 euros has also been reserved for the Consorci la Tossa de Montbui.

Votes and political consensus

The budget was approved with a clear majority, with the support of the councilors of the government team (Ara Montbui) and the councilor of SOM Montbui-ERC. However, the representatives of the PSC, VOX and one non-attached councilor chose to abstain.

Increase in income and expenses

One of the most outstanding features of this budget is the significant increase in income compared to the previous year, as well as a sustained increase in expenses related to services. The Councilor for Finance, Adrià Castelltort, stressed the importance of the new waste management contract, one of the most relevant aspects that requires updating to comply with European regulations.

Service and personnel initiatives

The City Council has also decided to strengthen the wallet card service and has opted for the figure of a technician for the Environmental Education Plan. In addition, the digitalization of municipal services and a new subsidy model for entities will be prioritized. In the area of ​​personnel, an increase of 400,000 euros is planned to strengthen the City Council’s human team, with the creation of four new positions in various services.

Infrastructure investments

The budget also includes a significant investment of 204,000 euros for the water network, 155,000 euros for furniture and public roads, as well as 36,600 euros for road repairs. Other investments will be allocated to improvements in air conditioning, machinery and technology.

Future projects with a positive impact

Among the notable initiatives that will be financed with the 2024 budget are the transformation of the old Calçats Ferrer warehouse into a sustainable building, the continuation of the road that will connect the Urban Center with the Old Center, and the construction of a new footbridge that will connect the Finisterre area with Igualada. These actions will not only improve infrastructure, but will also contribute to the quality of life of citizens.

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