An Unexpected Tragedy
The young chef from Madrid, Daniel Sancho, has been sentenced to life in prison for the brutal murder of Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta. The crime scene reveals a premeditated plan in which Sancho, applying his culinary knowledge, dismembered the body of his victim and scattered his remains in various places with the intention of erasing the tracks.
Legal and Economic Consequences
In addition to the life sentence, Sancho must face a fine of 119,000 dollars, which is equivalent to about 105,000 euros, intended to compensate the family of Arrieta. His guilt also extends to charges of concealment of a corpse and misappropriation of documents, including the retention of the surgeon’s passport.
The Future Focuses on Bang Kwang
The picture for Sancho becomes even more disturbing with his imminent transfer to the infamous Bang Kwang Prison, popularly known as ‘The Great Tiger’. This penitentiary establishment, reserved for men, is notorious for its extreme conditions and has been criticized by international human rights organizations.
Inhuman Conditions and Overcrowding
With an official capacity of 3,500 inmates, Bang Kwang houses more than 7,000 prisoners, resulting in alarming overcrowding. The cells, measuring just 4 square meters, often house up to eight people, leaving each individual with less than half a square meter to live in. Lack of hygiene and rationed portions of food are the norm.
An Environment of Violence and Corruption
Violence is pervasive at this facility, with inmates facing assaults both among themselves and from guards, who often use torture and extortion. Corruption is deep-rooted, forcing prisoners to pay for basic services such as access to a shower or extra food, with coffee becoming the most valued currency of exchange.
The Long Shadow of Disease
Disease is a constant threat, with only one doctor and two nurses to care for thousands of inmates. Epidemics such as dysentery spread quickly, causing the death of many prisoners. It is estimated that a quarter of long-term or death row inmates do not survive more than three years in Bang Kwang.
A Last Hope
Daniel Sancho’s legal team is in a race against time to avoid his transfer to this terrible institution. They are looking for alternative options that, despite being harsh, could offer more bearable living conditions. However, the possibilities seem scarce, and the future of the young man from Madrid is increasingly worrying.