Inici » The leap of competence in Catalonia: uncertain defiant and priorities

The leap of competence in Catalonia: uncertain defiant and priorities


The context of the leap of powers in immigration

The recent approval of the anti-Catalan and anti-promnibus decree of the government was produced through a partnership with the ruling agreement. Carles PDT’s Party, indispensable to ensure the majority of the Congress, agreed with the PSOE delegation to the generality of immigration. This plans on the concretion of this leap, even though it has begun to impensssssitation what its priorities might be. This is a guide to understand that the debate is:

The European Community’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy, Security and Defence Policy.

The Constitution establishs, in its article 149, that the State has exclusive competition in nationality, immigration, immigration, foreign and right of asylum. This does not prevent certain mechanisms of cooperation with autonomous communities in folders such as introduction and integration of immigrants.

The largest features, are the management of expulsions, residence and work permits, the right of asylum and introduction. The lawyer in foreignia Xavier Mudoz warned of the huge ideology’s complexity of carrying the leap-in practice given by the variety of national actors and involved and legal requirements that have saved the state in certain immigration powers.

The leap process

Together, the ‘development of powers on immigration’ would be jointised through Article 150.2 of the Constitution, which allows the State to transfer or delegation to national autonomous communities through organic law.

That is, the Magna Charter also makes clear that the organic law that will certification the leap will involve the corresponding transfer of financial media, as well as the ways of control that the state is stored for the powers of colleague.

In short, a legislative process now begins that will last several months until the delegation is provided. The rule will end up on the PP’s part in front of the Constitutional Court, which will have the last word on the law.

The fields of the ‘involution’

Behind the word ‘involution’ and its second-apipity is a wide range of areas. The statements on Thursday of the Secretary General of Together, Jordi Turll, and the head of rows in Congress, Miriam Noias, show that there are still specific to-dos.

It would have come to say that Catalonia has to decide, after theapaple, the ‘fluographs’, something that has added, it will be specific to what the Generality can grant the rights of work and residence that now grants the state, but this is a statement that will also be specific to the winning of the leap, and how the delegation of competition with other organ laws that water the issue, such as the foreign code or Penal Code.

Muñoz puts as an example of the limited complexity of residence permissions: plainly, Catalonia can change the requirements for the residence, because the recent person has been asking for residence in the state. It can ask for it in a generality window rather than in the state, but the requirements will be the same killer.

The letter also indicates that the bills for permission demand a communication with the Convoulative allegations of the countries of origin and a certification of criminal offenders that legally is difficult for the state to transfer to autonomy.

It is necessary to remember that the Generality is now in the exclusive hands of ERC after the rise of Together by the government on 2022. That is, together, the leap of powers for the Generality that would now exercise another party. Republicans, however, had been recused to take the middle-site wallet, and had prioritized the leaping trains of Wheels and the low Vingrel (IV).

Prompting claims

Turll has emphasized that, with the possible leap of powers, Cataluña can decide if he throws out or doesn’t Ragnar to the multire incident migrants. However, this is a question in the hands of judges who judge migrants, who can agree on their sentences as well as substitution for prison punishment in more than a year’s prison crimes when there are king incidences.

Muñoz points out to another of the leap doubts: the variety of actors that intervened in an expulsion process. In addition to ordering a judge, before the police consult with the country’s diplomatic allegations, which also returns the expulsite and assessing the conditions of the expulions. Muzo doubt that the State can legally delegate to Generalisation with foreign console relations. The letter also recalls that another type of expulsives are coordinated by the European agency, which does not participate in the regions and states.

What about the CIE?

Unlike the multire incident Centres, in Spain’s Inter-internation Centres (CIE) which manages the Ministry of Interior of Interior to be closed dozens of migrants who have committed no offence, but are pushed out of Spain to have no paperwork. Toll has ensured this Thursday that it is against these facilities because they are treated by people as Ugandan livestock, and expressed that their position has been favorable to close this type of facility, as a requesting a number of human rights defenders.

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