Inici » The valuable 5 pesetas coins: real treasures of numismatics

The valuable 5 pesetas coins: real treasures of numismatics


The 5 pesetas coins that arouse the interest of collectors

The old five-peseta coins have experienced a surprising resurgence in the world of numismatics. These pieces, which were in circulation until the entry of the euro in 2002, now have an impressive value on the collector’s market, thanks to their scarcity, minting errors or rarities, which make them authentic treasures

An unexpected opportunity: the forgotten pesetas

A large number of pesetas have been discovered that were not exchanged for euros, and some of these specimens have been revalued, reaching extraordinary prices at auctions and buying and selling portals. Do not rule out the possibility of finding lost ‘hards’ in some corner of the house, which could represent an unexpected added value.

The most quoted pieces

Some 5 pesetas coins have sold for astonishing amounts in recent auctions. Highlights include the 1895 peseta known as the ‘hard d’Alphonse XIII’, auctioned for 82,763 euros, the 1869 designed by Luis Marchionni, valued at 20,000 euros, or the ‘5 pesetas de Franco’ from 1949 that were sold for 20,000 euros in 2021.

The historical value of ancient coins

In addition to being collectibles, the 5 pesetas coins reflect the history and richness of numismatics. Specimens such as the peseta of 1809 related to the Napoleonic occupation of Girona, or the one of 1888 with the MSM followers of assayers Mauricio Morejón Bueno, Pablo de Sales Gabarrell and Angel Mendoza Ordóñez, continue to be highly sought after by collectors due to their scarcity and historical value.

An investment with great potential

People who still own these numismatic relics could be holding true treasures in their hands. It is important to keep in mind that, just as many euro and cent coins have acquired immense value over time, pesetas also command a surprising price, representing a potentially great investment for collectors and numismatic enthusiasts.

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