The importance of accompaniment in the marriage journey
Preparation for marriage has become an essential aspect of parish life, with the active collaboration of married couples who, together with priests, offer their support to couples on this journey. This task not only involves a transmission of knowledge, but also an openness to the world around the couples, listening carefully to their wishes and concerns.
Current challenges in marital relationships
In a world where distractions and temptations are omnipresent, couples are faced with a scenario where the fragility of marriage is a reality. Technological innovations have transformed relationships, turning desires into a consumer product, often forgetting the ethical and moral values that should guide love.
The dehumanization of relationships
Sexuality, which should be an expression of human beauty, is reduced to a consumable act, thus losing its essence and depth. This context calls for an urgent review of the support provided to couples who wish to marry, in order to foster real emotional maturity and solid commitment.
Pope Francis’ proposal: catechumenal itineraries
Aware of the importance of the family in society, Pope Francis has promoted the creation of catechumenal itineraries that cover the whole of married life, from initial preparation to the first years of cohabitation. This approach seeks to reduce void marriages and strengthen faith in the vocation to love that God has inscribed in the heart of each person.
A thoughtful and deep preparation
The process of preparation for marriage cannot be superficial or rushed. It is crucial that couples engage in support that takes into account their abilities and needs, thus allowing a real transition from ‘marriage’ to a full and meaningful ‘married life’.
Various methodologies in preparation
Currently, marriage preparation is articulated through two main methodologies. On the one hand, there are the approaches that start from the dynamics of the couple’s relationship, exploring the demands of a love that seeks to grow and connect with the experience of divine love. On the other hand, some focus on the transmission of the Christian message, emphasizing the ‘first announcement’ and assuming prior knowledge that couples should already have.
The importance of knowledge of nature
It is essential to approach this preparation rigorously, recognizing that divine grace is expressed through our nature. Understanding this dimension is essential to establishing healthy and enriching relationships that promote personal and mutual growth.
The role of CPM in marriage preparation
The CPM has realized the importance of immediate accompaniment and in premarital dialogues, seeks to guide couples in discovering the depth of their relationship. Through a comprehensive attention to all dimensions of the person, we work to help them discern, in the light of the Gospel, the fundamental values that should guide their life together.
Overcoming crises and building a future
The goal is to make family life a successful experience and a sacrament of God’s Love in today’s world. Thus, couples not only face adversity, but learn to build a shared future full of faith and community spirit.