Inici » Great Chance for BoxBank Clients: Incredible Regals from 2024

Great Chance for BoxBank Clients: Incredible Regals from 2024


BoxBank promotes attractive gifts for clients

2024 charged with surprises for BoxBank clients. This financial institution has launched a new campaign to attract new nhomins’ homes and increase the number of customers. The task of awarding their clients has become a key initiative for the organization, which has demonstrated their commitment to clients on 2023 with the delivery of the iPhone pro 15.

Three Attractive Options

On this occasion, BoxBank offers three teaning options according to payroll house conditions. Customers have a chance to get a TV Samsung, a harpoon of up to 400 euros or a payoff of 5% TOE. However, it is important to have this promotion available for the first three months of the year: January, February and March.

Diverses Alternatives

To get these benefits, BoxBank offers three alternatives based on how much money they are getting from salary per month. Domlicating the payroll allows clients to enjoy all the advantages of the entities. This represents a great opportunity to get a television TV Samungs or other handsome gifts.

Unresistable Chance

To get a TV from the Check Samsung from 32 Angeles, the payroll has to be equal to 1,200 euros. Moreover, at least at least three receipts are required to make at least three shoppings with a card. Moreover, if these requirements are met, you have the opportunity to choose between television or a 200-dollar double-dollar doubles for Wivai expenses.

Customers with more than 2,500 euros have even more attractive options. BoxBank offers the possibility of choosing between 50 Samsung TV, a 400-dollar coup for Wivai expenses, or a five percent payoff for the first 5,000 dollars for 2 years. This represents a great opportunity for clients to meet these requirements.

Children’s younger customers also have interesting options through Imagin. They can get 150 dollars in case of marrying a payroll from 1,000 dollars, while new nhomes of 400 to 1,000 euros get 50 dollars. This puts out of their attention to all of their customers, regardless of their age or salary.

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