Inici » The return of Carles Puigdemont and the political future of Catalonia

The return of Carles Puigdemont and the political future of Catalonia

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The opinion of José Montilla

The former president of the Generalitat, José Montilla, has shown himself favorable to the return of Carles Puigdemont to Catalonia. In a recent interview, Montilla expressed his wish that Puigdemont could return and stated that it would have been better if he had never left. However, Montilla has pointed out that the return of Puigdemont will not significantly change the political scene in Catalonia, since Puigdemont has already been a candidate on several occasions without obtaining victory. Montilla has recognized that Puigdemont has the freedom to manage his situation as he wishes, but he does not believe that his presence is a determining factor for the formation of a government in Catalonia.

Amnesty and judicial problems

Montilla has emphasized that the application of the amnesty law can generate judicial problems, since judges have specific functions that no one can replace. However, Montilla has shown a positive attitude towards the amnesty and has pointed out that there are already people who have been amnestied. However, he warned that as the judicial process progresses, there is more resistance.

The need to recognize mistakes

In relation to the independence process, Montilla has emphasized the importance of recognizing the mistakes made. He stated that some people have already recognized their mistakes, but others have not yet. Montilla stressed that there is nothing wrong with admitting that he was wrong and pointed out that the struggle for the hegemony of independence is not yet resolved.

The options for the formation of a government

With the possibility of an electoral repeat in Catalonia, Montilla has raised several options for the formation of a government. He pointed out that there is currently no pro-independence majority that can add up. Faced with this situation, he has proposed three scenarios: a government with a minority of parliamentary support, a coalition government or a repeat election. Montilla emphasized that giving a new chance to Carles Puigdemont or the mayoress of Ripoll, Sílvia Orriols, does not seem to be a viable option, since neither of them has won in previous elections.

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