Summer health: A challenge to consider
With the arrival of summer, it is essential to be alert to diseases that can affect health. Dr. Yovana Riesgo Escudero, specialist in emergencies at Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona, provides us with an overview of the most common ailments that tend to appear during this season.
The 10 most common diseases during the summer
1. Gastroenteritis: A common disease
Summer is a period when gastroenteritis occurs more frequently. This condition, mainly caused by viruses or bacteria found in poorly preserved food, can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Cases are usually mild and can be managed with adequate hydration and a controlled diet.
2. Food allergies
The increase in allergies during the summer is often related to the diversification of eating habits, such as the intake of exotic dishes on trips. In case of an allergic reaction, the use of antihistamines may be sufficient, but it is essential to consult with a professional to identify the origin of the reaction.
3. Conjunctivitis: An eye discomfort
Conjunctivitis is an eye inflammation that can be caused by infectious agents. Symptoms include itching and redness, and although it usually lasts only a short time, it is recommended to seek medical attention to prevent the spread.
4. Sunburns: Necessary precautions
Excessive sun exposure is one of the most common causes of burns during the summer. Affected areas may become red and painful. It is important to apply moisturizing creams and, in severe cases, to see a health professional.
5. Mycosis: Moisture as a factor
Mycoses, especially on the skin, are common during the summer due to the humidity. These infections can be itchy and require medical attention for proper treatment.
6. Ear infections: ‘Swimmer’s ear’
Otitis externa, known as ‘swimmer’s ear’, is an infection that occurs when water gets trapped in the ear. To avoid it, it is important to dry the ear well after swimming.
7. Summer colds
Colds are not exclusive to winter; temperature variations between hot outdoors and heated interiors can cause them. Symptoms are usually mild and can be treated with medication to relieve them.
8. Cystitis: The importance of hygiene
Cystitis can be caused by wearing wet clothes for too long. Discomfort when urinating is a sign that requires attention, as it can evolve into a more serious infection.
9. Insect bites: A common inconvenience
With the increase in temperature, there is also an increase in the insect population. Bites can be a common nuisance, and it’s essential to be prepared, especially when traveling to areas with potentially dangerous insects.
10. Heat stroke: Essential prevention
Heatstroke is dangerous and can occur due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures. It is vital to stay hydrated and avoid physical exercise during the hottest hours of the day.
Conclusion: Take care of your health this summer
As we head into summer, it’s critical to be aware of the health risks that may arise. Taking preventative measures can make all the difference in enjoying a fun and safe season.